วันอังคารที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

All You Need To Know About Colorectal Cancer

Abdominal Surgery:

Most of the cancers which sway the colon and the rectum compose from the lining of these two large intestine elements and are known as adenocarcinomas. The cancer at first looks like a small swelling on the inside exterior of the colon or rectum and then it develops forming a tumor, expanding to all the colon's layers and affecting the local lymph nodes. In its last stages the colorectal cancer spreads towards distant organs like liver or lungs affecting them too.

It seems that mostly the western people is affected by this disease. Women seem to compose colon cancer more oftentimes then men who compose rectal cancer more often. The persons aged more than 40 are at risk and those who are 60 or 70 are more likely to have this disease than others.

Scientists have not found out exactly why this disease occurs but they believe that if you effect a diet that is rich in proteins and fats and low in fiber you might compose cancer. Also, having a family history of colorectal cancer and breast or uterus cancer could be a risk for you. Drinking alcohol is also a factor that leads to cancer. If you have polyps on the inner wall of the intestine and you leave them untreated they can transform into malign tumors (meaning that cancer had occurred). Also, people who suffer of Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis can compose this disease too.

Abdominal Surgery:All You Need To Know About Colorectal Cancer

There are some symptoms which could announce that cancer is installing, but they also appear in other diseases. Some of the symptoms are: seeing blood in your bowels, alternation of diarrhea with constipation, and low abdominal pains. Bloating can be present and feeling tiredness and vomiting can occur too. In most of the intestinal cancers, losing weight is present. The loss of weight is made in a short duration of time and even though for some people it might be determined a blessing, this is not a good thing, because it means that the tumor blocks the bowel somewhere inside the intestines. If the tumor is situated at the end of the colon or in the rectum it might give you the feeling that you still have to go to the bathroom even if you just went. Some people might even refuse to sit down as this act can be painful.

Diagnosing colon cancer is made by performing some tests. The stool is being tested to see if blood can be found in it. Sometimes a digital rectum exam can be performed by the doctor. The rectal and colon screening is made by sigmoidoscopy, which uses a tube with an optic camera to see what is inside the large intestine. Also, blood tests are needed to quantum the level of carcinoembryonic antigen which might indicate the proximity of a cancer.

As soon as the colon cancer is discovered the doctors will resolve upon the best therapy quantum for the patient. In early stages the cancer can be treated only by surgical operation which removes the tumor and the local lymph nodes. In more developed stages of the cancer chemotherapy is needed after surgical operation to be sure the cancerous cells have been removed totally.
There are some cases in which the rectum and a part of the colon need to be removed and so the sick person will remove the stool by an opportunity created in the abdominal wall which is associated to a colostomy bag.

Abdominal Surgery:All You Need To Know About Colorectal Cancer

